Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Booty Up

Its fairly common these days to see young girls grooming themselves on the train on their way to work or wherever, but this day was the first time I actually saw someone curl their hair on a crowded train.

These two girls shared a roller, applied six or seven coats of makeup and took phone calls all between 2 stations and much to the silent contempt of their elders sitting nearby.

I got the impression they actually had plenty of time to get ready before leaving the house, but saved it all for the train just for the shock value. :)

You go girls!


Aisha said...

LOL!!!! A very good example of "you gotta see it to believe it"

Mars said...

hehe...why not? I have seen portable curling irons on a city bus in Chicago... how'd you manage to take a picture with out them noticing?

Anonymous said...

How talented!

Kashmiri said...

they were simply too busy Mars! to notice a foreigner trying to get a good angle :)

Sarah said...

i saaw this girl in our college who was using this epilator in this terrible heat with her face covered :\ talk bout ppl grooming their selves :S

Polka Dotted Pickles said...

No way!

Once I saw a girl doing a pony tail in her hair while driving down the highway-at like 60 mph!

By the way, a blizzard is like a shake from Dairy Queen. Mmmmmm!

Asad Raza said...

Hehe, pretty funny... yeah, girls loves to make sure they're looking their best. Nice picture :D. By the way, you're tagged!

usman said...

haha,i see this stuff alot on jubilee line braadur. ;) plus it looks really good when they're reading plus doing stuff on their faces,haha,it's just amazing .. where about are you from in uk? add me, and we might have a lil bit of chitchat, no? : usman321@hotmail.com

Kashmiri said...

no worries usman.

hey ray-zor/anyone, what is tagged?

Zak said...

Well it's good time management ;)

Asad Raza said...

Hey Kashmiri... it means you have to create a post similar to mine about "5 things", but with your own information. Take a look at my blog, and you can copy and paste the post in to your own blog, but make sure you change the responses!

Kay said...

And you had the nerve to actually take their picture??? :o
[I'd have done the same ;)]
Anyway, I see it all the time at my school...girls are wierd [most of 'em].
And hey, welcome, mate!
*resumes rolling hair*