Monday, December 05, 2005

Nothing is Permanent

Imran Zia, 26, Muzaffarabad

"We have learned that nothing material is permanent. What matters most are the things you can't see - like the bonds between people.Buildings don't matter anymore, they all fall down. Making money, getting a big house - what's the point? Just help people. Live for others. That's what we've learnt. Pray for us, whoever you are reading this, give us motivation".


Daniel M. said...

Hello there. My name is Daniel. I am outside the norm also. I travel the U.S. as a travel nurse and take my whole family with me. We love it. We also wrestle with the questions you pose. So much is meaningless. What really matters? are right. Loving one another. The question now is............How can it be done?

Sarah said...

"nothing lasts forever" a major cliche but how very true.

Shezalldat said...

thnx for visiting!

Aisha said...

Beautiful picture....

You are right. Thanks for the reminder.

Zak said...

Hey whats wrong with improving ones lot?..outright materialism is pointless though

Kay said...

Inspiring post...but the point is: people know 'nothing lasts forever', what they DON'T know is how to accept it.

BrainSyke said...

I completely agree!

Mars said...

(you have been tagged.. :))